Here’s Gold For You…

Here’s Gold For You…

I’ve just returned from a glorious dog walk across the buttercup meadows… There are so many this year it is literally a field of gold! And there’s gold for you, too, in this week’s newsletter with even more goodies to grab, use and enjoy for absolutely nada. Let’s...
How To Build A Big, Engaged Email List

How To Build A Big, Engaged Email List

This week, we’re diving into the art of building an email list that’s not just big, but buzzing with engagement. Because let’s face it, a list filled with engaged subscribers is way more valuable than one full of people who don’t even open your...
Thrive With A Tiny Tribe

Thrive With A Tiny Tribe

Today, we’re diving into something close to my heart: achieving big dreams with a small audience. Trust me, it’s not only possible – it’s incredibly rewarding. And let’s start with a myth buster…whisper it…size doesn’t always matter! You...
Why Authenticity Wins…

Why Authenticity Wins…

Authenticity – it’s something I talk about a lot. That’s because it works, especially online where most people are anything but. People love authenticity and they respond to it… Which means they will trust and like you more for it… And therefore buy from you rather...

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