The year is drawing to a close. Yes, I hate to break it to you but there are just weeks to go until the festivities start for so many of us and that means you need to start thinking.

I don’t want you to wake up in January with no clue what you are going to do with the year that is yawning ahead. Instead, I want you to have a plan. A simple plan. Not one of those complicated lists that you never even start to tackle because it just looks too intimidating.

Part of that plan should be to ensure you have something to sell. Preferably several things. Yes, that might seem a tad basic but you would be surprised how many people never even get that far and then wonder why they remain broke and unhappy with this IM thing.

So today we’re going to look at different ways to create all kinds of things to sell, i.e. products of your very own.

Let’s start with this from Yaro Starak – this is a two-part tutorial with additional links and I heartily suggest you take the time to explore it all as it is really informative. Yaro is a true expert and even if you think you are too, you will learn something from this:

If you’re thinking well, that’s great but I still have no clue what to create then this will help – the 12 most popular types of products online, again with very useful additional links:

While here are the 5 most profitable digital products you can create:

With more excellent ideas here on what to create and how:

Don’t always look at the same old platforms to sell or create your digital products. On Shopify, for instance, there are loads of thriving shops doing just that and there are some excellent examples for you to learn from here as well as how to set it all up:

And here:

Etsy’s another excellent marketplace that people forget when it comes to digital products. Listen in to this podcast to learn how you can create passive income streams with them on Etsy:

While there is another comprehensive follow-along tutorial here where you can learn everything you need to know about creating and selling digital downloads on Etsy:

Your TED talk this week fits in with our theme of looking ahead but is also so inspiring in what is often a difficult world, especially for entrepreneurs:

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