I bet you’ve wondered at times if this online thing is just smoke, mirrors and a whole load of BS…

Or if people do actually build businesses and make a living like this.

Rather than tell you, I want to show you that you absolutely can by giving you examples in the form of success stories that you can emulate, if not replicate.

Let’s start with these 8 and then go behind the scenes a bit more in depth:

If you then take a look at one of those business stories, Elizabeth Rider’s, you can see that she has succeeded in the very popular cooking/nutrition niche, offering healthy recipes for everyone.

She also has a book available which establishes and builds on her authority as well as classes she’s in the process of developing:

You could do the same with any niche that offers the chance to teach skills/offer advice in, for example, fitness, health, craft, spirituality, relationships and so on.

Look at what she has done and think about how you could translate what you know into bite-size (forgive the pun) tips/lessons/steps which resemble recipes.

Start there and build as she has done, posting great information on your site as well as social media platforms, repurposing it so that you’re not constantly creating new content.

Then think about turning that content into a book and course(s). That’s the exact same formula Elizabeth and many others have used to build real businesses.

But you don’t have to stick to the well-trodden path to succeed – here are 32 examples of strange and successful online businesses:


As well as 8 more here that were all launched in lockdown:


Yes, many of those are in the ecommerce or physical space – and why not?

Think outside of that digital only box and you can have way more success than within it, as these Shopify stories also show:

Again, you don’t have to follow these paths either – you absolutely can succeed just with affiliate marketing as these success stories demonstrate (2k from one sale and 30k in 3 months is pretty inspiring):

With 16 more here telling you how much they make:


And maybe the most inspiring of the lot – digital course creators and their success (we’re talking gazillions):


What I want you to do now is think about all the options out there and the ones that resonate best with you…of course there are way more than just these examples.

The point is that you really can do it – none of these people are that different to anyone else apart from the fact they were prepared to take risks, work hard and focus absolutely until they achieved what they set out to do.

I have absolutely no doubt you can do that too. All it takes is the right mindset and maybe a mind shift.

To help you do that, your TED talk this week gives you essential questions to ask your future self so you can achieve your goals – fascinating stuff:

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