So here we are – a brand new year. And that means I’m going to focus on what you need to prioritise for success this year.

Top of the list is email marketing. After last year’s Twitter debacle along with every tricky algorithims on Facebook, now more than ever you need to own your communication channels.

An email list is the perfect way to do that and it also allows you to do that other very important thing this year which is to stand out with your own, unique voice.

Yes, I say it all the time and that’s because it is vital. After the past few years, people are tired of the bland, the generic and anything that smells of hard sell.

Instead, they want to connect with you, to feel connected, to engage and interact.

That all sounds great but how on earth do you achieve it? There are some ideas in here but please don’t be scared off by the tech speak…

Almost anyone can take some of these ideas and use them to vastly improve their email marketing results:

With more ideas and some useful links here:

Just about every list of email marketing trends cites hyper personalization as critical. Again, how do you do that?

There are some simple ways here:

And ten more proven tips here:

Although I really like the tips from the Digital Marketing Institute which include ensuring your email comes from a named person rather than a company and including a photograph of yourself in your signature to make it even more personal.

But none of that is as important as writing a great email – after all, if your recipient opens your email only to stop reading in seconds, all the hyper personalization in the world is not going to save the situation.

Here’s a good guide to writing great emails:

With another useful guide here:

And 17 steps to more conversions here:

If you’re a podcast kind of person, Email Marketing Heroes is one of the best:

While your TED talk contains beautiful examples of another skill you need to deploy this year…storytelling. It’s also absolutely fascinating as it’s all about how you don’t actually know what your future self wants:

I’ll be talking much more about storytelling as it’s one of my passions but, for now, I wish you the most wonderful year ahead full of all the love, success and happiness you desire.

P.S. As one of those things I’ve been creating for you, I just (literally moments ago) finished creating a new limited PLR offer for you based on one of my own bestselling courses on list-building. If you’d like to be one of the first to snap it up – my limited offers go very fast – go here:

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Create your own list-building lead magnet step by step in the FREE 7 Day Challenge!

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