I teach in my new Easy Peasy Copy the importance of story when it comes to copywriting and marketing. It is important, however, to use story in the right way.

Stories should inject that sense of connection and humanity into your sales pages, marketing content and emails while also making sure they are rooted in – and relate to – your product or service, niche and brand.

Of course, as I also teach, you are very much part of your brand – or you should be in these days of authentic, human marketing.

So what I would like you to do is write out your own story.

Yes, your real life story complete with the ups and downs, the triumphs and tragedies.

I want that story to relate to how you came to be where you are now and why.

Try to do this within an hour maximum so you don’t start to self-censor and, once you have finished, read through your story and pick out the parts that you can use in your marketing.

How did you overcome obstacles to be where you are now?

What led you to start up your business?

What can your experiences teach others?

How can you use your story to inspire your customers or to relate to them?

Once you have completed this exercise, begin to inject those elements of your story into your marketing, including your About page if relevant.

Always remember to keep your story relevant to the wider story you are telling to sell that product or service or to get that opt-in.

I suggest you use a pen or pencil if possible to write your story. We tend to let our thoughts flow more freely when writing by hand as opposed to using a keyboard although by all means type if you prefer.

This post is taken from one of the bonus lessons in my Easy Peasy Copy course.

If you’d like to learn more of my copywriting secrets distilled from 19 years as a six figure copywriter, go here:

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