Quick question…

Why do you think people buy from you?

If you answered that it’s because they need what you are offering them then you are only partly right.

And if you sighed and thought to yourself, ‘if only they would buy from me’ then keep reading because what you learn here might well change everything.

You see, people may think they are buying what they need but actually almost every buying decision is based on emotion…
And a question.

That question is: What’s in it for me (orWIIFM)?

The emotion is not so much based on how they feel right now but on how they would like to feel once they have benefited from whatever they are buying (see above).

Bottom line – show or tell them how something can change their lives for the better or even forever and they will snap it up faster than you can say Click Here.

How do you do that?

By warming them up first with some great content that shows them exactly WIIFM.

Content like this which not only increases conversions for both tangible and digital products – which means more commissions for you…

It’s also in one of the hottest niches ever:


And here’s the exclusive bonus bundle you get when you get it through my link:

It consists of my 5 Reasons To Eat Healthy Report with PLR, two of my Healthy Mind videos, the Juicing For Vitality multimedia package with MRR and the Clean Eating Plan with RR so you can resell and recoup your tiny investment instantly or use these as sources of stellar content to bring hordes of traffic to your sites and offers.


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