I do love to look around at what’s launching and apparently hot because there is usually a simpler and better way of doing it yourself.

Yes, I know that’s controversial and probably slightly anarchic but it’s also true…

Especially in the case of something I spotted which promises to give you a done for you site complete with DFY courses to sell.

Nothing wrong with that – especially as courses are hot – except that most people buy a course because they buy into you…

Which means that you are far more likely to succeed if you sell that course based on who and what you are about.

Now, you can do that with PLR courses that you tweak and brand as your own or you can create them from scratch. Sounds hard? Not at all. Let’s start with the completely from scratch option.

There is an excellent course on how to create a course (!) here:


With some more great advice here:

But how about where you host that course? What are the best options? Well, WordPress is one of my options of choice and here’s a great tutorial on how to use it to set up your own online course here complete with hosting and other technical



With a more in depth comparison of the LMS (learning management system) plugins you might need here including options that cost nada:


And 12 more ideas on platforms to use here:

Of course you will want to launch your course to the world and that’s when you need an effective email sequence like this one here:


You’ll also want the sage advice here on 38 things no-one talks about when launching an online course:

And you will also want to avoid the three big mistakes people make as revealed here:


Although you will very much want to follow the 8 steps to launching successfully outlined here:

As for using PLR to help speed up the process and save you a ton of work – here’s how to do that (you may have to sign up to access the videos but it’s worth it and at no cost):

Your TED talk this week is on the skill I think is essential to anyone like us with an entrepreneurial bent – how measure your adaptability and improve it:

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