Over the past few weeks I’ve talked to you about holiday marketing and Black Friday, all of which means that something else is imminent…

Yes – a brand new year is almost upon us and forewarned is forearmed so this week I am filling you in on all the marketing tips and trends you need to succeed in 2022.

Let’s start by getting practical with these 25 recommendations:


Then there are these 38 trends you cannot ignore in 2022:

Along with these Top 15 here:


And the 10 you simply must adopt here:


Phew – that’s quite a bunch of trends for you to follow. But which are the ones that really matter? And what can you do to implement them so they actually work for you?

First, and very importantly, you need to own your audience. That means not relying on social media platforms where the noise is incredible and, instead, ensuring that you build your own lists and following.

How to best do that in 2022?

By providing irresistible lead magnets, holding online events that require attendees to sign up, using content upgrades…much of what is working right now, in fact. You could also try the 16 tips here:


One important way to keep your audience engaged is through storytelling and you can do that very effectively through email marketing.

Here are some ways to do that:


I’ll be exploring more of the 2022 trends in subsequent newsletters but try these out for starters.

Your TED talk this week gives you three rules to help you build a successful business:

Join The FREE Challenge!

Create your own list-building lead magnet step by step in the FREE 7 Day Challenge!

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