I am writing you this while watching our new puppy twitching as she dreams. No, that is not an excuse for any typos (although she is mesmerising!) but to lead you into my suggestions on how you can find a topic/niche/market – whatever you want to call it – to propel yourself forward this year.

You see, as I stare at her my marketer’s mind is already working. We have already shopped until we dropped on Amazon and other sites for her and been inundated with advice and coos of delight.

I don’t need to conduct any research to know this is a great market full of passionate people who buy and buy. For goodness’ sake, I am one of those people. So I have already been working on Dog and Puppy PLR because I know there is a real need for it.

You could do the same by simply looking round at your own home and life. What was the last thing you bought aside from food and clothing? Did it fit into a niche or market? Do you have, say, a lot of new fitness or healthy eating books around the place? A ton of gardening tools? Those bits of new gear for your fave hobby or sport you can’t resist buying?

My point is that this niche thing need not be as complicated as people make out. If you love it, lots of other people love it and, more importantly, part with their hard earned moolah to get lots of different items that fit within it then you have a good niche. Simple.

That could be the foundation for the membership sites we’ve been talking about for the past couple of weeks or it could help inspire what I am talking about this week which is video marketing.

Stay alert at the back because I am specifically talking about trends that are going to be huge or even bigger this year – live video and YouTube. Especially YouTube ads. To take advantage of those trends you need to have a focus, i.e. a target audience, and something to say. Have a clear market in mind and you are halfway there.

So, let’s first talk about this live video thing. By that I mean live streaming on platforms such as FB Live and Instagram Live as well as YouTube live streaming. Live streaming works so well because it builds a great connection with your audience who feel like you are right there, talking to them.

I’ve especially noticed how popular Instagram Live is becoming so let’s start with how you can get set up with that.

You can, of course, simply follow the instructions from Instagram:


But for some meatier tips take a look at the Ultimate Guide to Instagram Live  tutorial here:


The ‘Definitive’ guide that is more slanted towards ecom here:


And the guide to becoming Instafamous here:


Next, FB Live and it has its own Ultimate Guide here:


Nine excellent tips here:


And some more great tips on getting more engagement with FB Live here:


Your takeaway from that little lot? If you’ve never tried to live stream on either platform, take the plunge. It doesn’t have to be complicated or long. Just try it and see what happens.

If you already live stream, implement one or two of the tips here to improve your engagement and therefore your results. Nothing happens without you taking that first step and the first step is always the hardest.

I believe in you and your TED talk this week may just help give you that little push you need as well:

P.S. Yes, that is her at the top of this page…I think you can see why we’re in love 🙂

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