Story is one of our primary needs.

It releases dopamine, creates empathy and boosts engagement, all of which is great for marketing.

It’s also a timeless way to connect and share.

Story is wonderful for marketing but also for so many aspects of our lives.

David Phillips is not just a master presenter, international speaker and author and coach in Modern Presentation Skills, He also understands the magical science of storytelling and how you can use this powerful cocktail to your own advantage.

He bases his training and materials on biology and neuroscience resulting in motivational speeches that are hands-on and create interactive content. In this talk, David explains why storytelling is such a powerful tool, and how the use of a story can make something gain monetary value.

With the help of his own stories, David induces the release of three chosen neurotransmitters which result in better focus, motivation and memory. 

Watch, experience and learn here:

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