Yesterday I talked about finding your why and how important it is to motivate you and keep you motivated.

Today I’m talking about your how…

Or at least your how to do more with less effort and better results.

One of my favourite people on creating good habits is James Clear and he has an interesting take on this aka productivity…

His best productivity hack is to say no more often.

As a natural born people-pleaser, I know what he means. I also think he’s absolutely right.

How often do you agree to do something for or with someone when you know it will cost you time and energy without helping you in any way?

Of course we should help our friends and family but, as an entrepreneur or solopreneur, you need to guard both your time and energy ferociously because you only have a finite amount of both.

So setting clear boundaries by saying no when you need to makes good business sense. And believe me, you probably should be saying no more often than you currently do.

You can read the whole of James’ take on this here along with other great tips:

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