Once upon a time there was a world where people sat around campfires and did this.

Then they moved on to putting them down in books…

Before they invented screens. And moving pictures. And then the internet…

Where the thing I am talking about is more powerful than ever.

What is that thing?

Story, of course.

One of our deepest human needs and best ways to educate, communicate and, yes, sell…

So today I’m sharing resources with you to help you tap into the power of storytelling for your own life and business.

Let’s start with this on the power of storytelling as a marketing tool:


And move on to this ultimate guide to storytelling in marketing:


Before honing your storytelling skills with this wonderful course on the art of storytelling from Pixar via the Khan Academy:


Worried that your writing skills aren’t up to it?

Take this Udemy course for nada:


You might also want to look at this excellent copywriting course, again for no cost:

Or this one:


Great storytelling and great copy often go together and there was no finer exponent of the art than the extraordinary copywriter, Gary Halbert.

His Boron Letters from prison were often hilarious, entertaining, slightly bonkers and un-PC…you can learn so much from them:

Nancy Duarte is a digital storytelling expert and her Slidedocs help you tell stories using presentations that are designed to be read rather than projected. You can download them here:

Your TED talk this week takes you back to Pixar and Andrew Stanton on the clues to a great story:

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