Marketing Freebies To Make You Happy

I know I often display my Brit obsession with the weather in my posts but today really was glorious here in London town…24 degrees, soft September sunshine and the resultant smiling people flocking to parks and the river. Even if it’s not sunny where you are, I hope...

Detox & Profit

I had an email the other day from one of my lovely subscribers who asked me if I found my recent (enforced!) WiFi detox beneficial… The short answer is: Oh yes! OK, so the downside was having to drive miles in search of a working signal but the upside of not having...

Why Success Is A Continuous Journey…

I’m writing this as I nearly always do, cup of coffee at my side on a Sunday morning, collating all the information I gathered for you during the week. I like to do it this way because it means what I send out is as fresh as possible but occasionally things do change...

You All Have A Dream…

Hey there and a warm welcome to this Weekend’s Takeaways! Now, some people would have you believe that tomorrow is officially the most depressing day of the year…in fact, I got curious and looked that one up. Turns out you can all relax as that has been thoroughly...

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