Some weeks I go deep into a particular topic. Others I simply highlight all the best stuff out there you can grab for nada.

This is one of those smorgasbord weeks so check out the links below and go grab what you need.

First up is an incredible selection of tools, training webinars and whitepapers/ebooks, ranging from a very cool Instagram planning tool to a webinar on 5 Steps To Writing The Perfect SEO Blog Post.

You can get the lot here:

While over at Fribbble there are some gorgeous new design goodies you can grab including fonts, PSD design files, icons and mock-ups:

When it comes to your content marketing, you can never have too many tools to help find the best and speed up the process.

I love the Emotional Value Headline Analyzer – just paste in your headline and it will tell you if it hits those all-important emotional buttons:

Then there is Grammarly which makes sure everything you type is clear, effective and free of mistakes:

While the Content Marketing Institute will teach you everything you need to know about the subject for nada – start here:

Want to sharpen up your ecommerce skills or learn invaluable tips and tricks? Then the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast is for you.

These people know everything there is to know about the subject because they do this every single day and very successfully too. Dive in and find what you need from the vast array of topics:

Social media marketing at its best is inspiring, fun and edutaining – all things that can be said about Amy Porterfield’s podcast which also teaches you all aspects of online marketing:

While Hashtagged will teach you everything you need to know about Instagram marketing:

Your TED talk this week is a thought-provoking one on AI and how how the same algorithms companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon use to get you to click on ads are also used to organize your access to political and social information:


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