I promised you some more recession-busting ideas and tips as we slide into what might be a tough winter for some.

The most important thing for you to remember is that you can absolutely thrive and not just survive in bad times as well as good.

It is, of course, all about attitude and I think the two most important factors in that are flexibility and positivity.

There is always a way but you might have to adapt or even do something completely different to find it.

The ingenuity and strength of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me and I know you have that in you too. And if you think you don’t, I have some resources to help you with that too this week…but first let’s look at those recession-busting resources.

We’ll start with this from Shopify as it’s a good source of ideas to spark you into maybe doing things a little differently but no less profitably:


Then there is this inspiring podcast on how online businesses can win during a recession:

As well as this on how to sell products and services in difficult times:


Stuck for what to sell? Here are 15 recession-proof products that will do well:

If you need some niche ideas for right now, here are the best for Instagram:

While these are some of the best business ideas:


And here are affiliate marketing niches that are recession-proof:


Need ideas for courses that are hot right now so you can create one too?

Here you go:


While if you fancy bringing in some extra by writing, here are the niches that say hot:


Fundamental to all of that is having the right mindset aka recession-proofing your beliefs and attitude.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

With some additional ones from the always excellent Brian Tracy:

Your TED talk this week is both profound and inspiring – how the magic of kindness helped one man survive the Holocaust:

Be kind to yourself this week and every week.

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