Last week I talked about how going small can actually get you bigger results in terms of a more targeted, higher ticket approach.

I focused first on masterminds but this week I want to talk about the obvious partner to that and something that is going be bigger than ever this year and that’s coaching.

Coaching can take so many forms – it can be individual, group, a weekend workshop, a bootcamp, an ongoing commitment or a time-limited course…

And you can also take what you do as you coach and turn that into passive income courses without that high touch coaching element to add another stream to your income.

You might ask what the difference between group coaching and a mastermind group is and the straight answer is – very little, except that masterminds traditionally assume a higher level of knowledge on entry, although not always.

Coaching is one of those things that you can get started with pretty much right off bat as I taught in my Sell Out Services course.

You don’t even need a fancy website – just a social media presence and the relevant knowledge or experience.

Now, I have talked before about coaching and the various niches in which you can coach as well as ways to train to be a coach but what I am going to talk about here are the methods and systems you can use to start and run a successful coaching business.

One of the easiest of all is through chat or messaging services like WhatsApp. Not only are these quick and easy to set up, they are no or very low cost compared to other solutions.

I have used various chat systems to both coach and be coached and can vouch for its effectiveness for all parties concerned, as can the author of this who is now running a highly successful coaching business:

Chat is great for introverts and people who need short, focused sessions. Of course, you can also use WhatsApp for voice calls and can even do group voice calls but something we have all become used to this past year is, of course, Zoom.

Here’s how to use it effectively for coaching:

Whatever method you use for coaching – chat, video or audio – you still need to prepare and to make sure the experience is great for both you and your client9s).

Here’s how to do that:

And if you need some more tips on how to get started with your coaching business in the first place, try these:

With some more great ideas here:

A question I often get asked is how much you can rake in as a coach or consultant. The straight answer is: lots. Provided, as ever, that you do it right. Here’s precisely how one coach/consultant brings in over 40 big ones every month:

Your TED talk this week will help you build your inner coach – what more could you want or need?

A couple of updates for you – my Limited Edition PLR goes up from tomorrow to 27 and I have reopened Sell Out Services just for you for one week so that you can benefit from its teaching alongside all the how to thrive in 2021 tips and training I am giving you here.

You can find my Limited Edition Success PLR here:

And Sell Out Services here:

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