Welcome to Part 2 of People You Should Listen To…as opposed to the people who shout a lot online but achieve little (other than trying to sell you a lot of stuff).

The stuff I’m sharing in this series is from marketers and online experts you may not have heard of or from before but trust me…they are the real deal.

This week we’re diving straight in with Dr Pete Meyers, a man who genuinely straddles the thin line between marketing and data science (think SEO). And does very well out of it.

Pete’s the man who started Moz and he has an amazing resource library that you can plunder although be warned – this is pretty advanced stuff:


If that’s a little too rich for your blood then this is a great tutorial from his blog, featuring expert guest writers, on how to optimize Shopify, a not entirely SEO-friendly platform, for great ecommerce results:


There’s also an excellent post on how the writer grew their blog traffic by 650% in two years using totally organic methods and how you can do it too:


Someone I rate highly for his social media marketing knowledge is Jeff Bullas and his tutorial on 6 content formulas that boost social media followers is invaluable:

There’s also a useful post on 5 simple but effective ways to market a service based business:

And the ultimate guide to Instagram marketing:

What Mari Smith doesn’t know about Facebook marketing genuinely isn’t worth knowing  – take a look at this wonderfully practical post on how to trim your FB Live videos:

And she also has great guest teachers as you’ll see in this on how to get 10k Instagram followers without gimmicks – the magic number that will tip you over into real Insta success:

Finally, for this week at least, there is all round marketing expert Brian Carter with some very useful video advertising tips:

And this unmissable list of 20 powerful influencer marketing tools:

Your TED talk this week is Graham Hill on less stuff, more happiness…a rule you could apply to IM:

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