I love it when people try to kill things off…

As in, ‘the death of email,’ ‘the death of blogging,’ or the one I especially love: ‘the death of long form copy.’

Long form copy, aka the sales letter as you and I know and (hopefully) love it, is more effective than ever and that’s thanks to the sharpened appetite for good storytelling.

Yep, the plethora of channels out there including Netflix, Amazon and Disney serve us up something that feeds one of our most basic needs – story.

Story is the way we make sense of concepts and ideas and even this thing called life.

It’s the most ancient way of communication and the method we humans used for millennia to pass on our most important information – our history.

But there’s nothing historical about story’s impact.

You only have to look at the surge in book sales alongside the growth of streaming channels to realise that our need for it is insatiable.

And a good piece of long form copy plays to that need in the most satisfying ways so that people not only love it…they buy whatever it is the copy is selling.


For more on that, read this excellent piece:


And if you want to learn how to create your own miraculous long form copy go here:


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