It’s everywhere you look…

From offers promising you quick and easy ways to get some to ever more imaginative ways of using it in your marketing.

What am I talking about?

Crypto, of course.

Which is why today we are taking a peek at everything crypto from Bitcoin for beginners to NFTs and beyond.

After all, knowledge is priceless when it comes to this brave new world, especially when it’s being compared to the gold rush.

So let’s dive in with the basics and this excellent beginner’s guide to Cryptocurrency:

As well as this on Cryptocurrency trading for beginners:

But what does Crypto have to do with marketing?

Quite a lot, as it happens according to this on how it will transform the digital marketing industry:

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about NFTs so why not get in on the act? Here’s how to create and sell your own for nada:

With a piece I really like laying out both sides of the coin, so to speak (yes, I know NFTs are tokens):

While here’s how to promote your NFTs on social media if you do decide they’re something you want to try:

Along with how to use them for your business here:

And then there’s a whole different way to use them in your marketing here:

Your TED talk this week is especially pertinent at a time when fear once more has a grip on the world – the beautiful balance between courage and fear:

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