Edutainment…it’s not a word I coined but it’s one I like because I think it’s one of the best ways to learn.

And one of the very best ways of being edutained is through video and podcasts because they are often livelier and have more impact than your average blog post or PDF.

Yes, I know this is a blog post but I’m now going to liven it up a lot with a curated selection of not just my fave sources of edutainment for you but some of the best ever shows IMHO…

So you don’t even need to lift more than one finger to click on the following and get royally edutained.

Let’s start with one of my absolute faves and that’s How To Overcome Self Doubt from the brilliant Seeking Wisdom by David Cancel and Dave Gerhardt.

They cover loads of business and marketing topics but I think this is fundamental for everyone:

 Growth Marketing Toolbox is another of my regular pitstops on the podcast trail and their latest episode is also one of their best – it’s on SEO for Ecommerce and you can get show notes as well as the podcast here:

I’ve mentioned the Side Hustle Show to you before and one thing I particularly love is their Mixtapes – bingeworthy collections of related episodes so you can get all the brilliant insider information you need without hunting through tons of past episodes.

Their Blogging Mixtape is here:

And their Freelancing Mixtape is here:

I am a huge fan of Neil Patel, as you’ve probably guessed (who isn’t?) and his Marketing School podcast is one of the best.

I especially like this extended episode on 7 marketing hacks that work really well:

Then there are these top 5 FB marketing hacks for 2020 and beyond:

And taking things back to mindset with How to Design Your Thinking For Unstoppable Growth:

The Problogger podcast is legendary, as you would expect, and what better episode to listen to than the one on how to build a better blog:

I also love this one on how one blogger turned a painful situation into a life-changing blog…inspirational stuff:

Of course, you can edutain in other ways too, including email. If you’re struggling for ideas on how to do that then this site will help – it’s full of great email copy examples you can take and tweak to make your own:

While here are some more ideas on creating edutaining content:

Staying with our theme, Celeste Headlee has been a radio host for decades and certainly knows how to have a great conversation. So much can come from a great conversation including creative and work opportunities, all kinds of relationships and, yes, edutainment.

Here are 10 ways to have better conversations so you can experience some or all of those:

And to keep that edutainment coming, here are some bonus fave podcast episodes of mine:

Here’s Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income with Ramit Sethi talking about the psychology of money and wealth:

And here is Tim Ferriss talking to Seth Godin about how he manages his life:

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