What a week – we were snowed in and my city-raised dog discovered the joys of chasing snowballs while I rediscovered how important it is to be flexible.

The snow is now melting but, as a consequence, I’m acquainted with the local farm shop (the only place we could reach), learned to fix yet another boiler and bow once more to the power of nature.

In that spirit of being flexible and open, this week I’m giving you one of my smorgasbords of useful stuff I’ve found out there on the big, wide web this week…

Use it as you wish!

We’ll kick off with something that I really like – a bunch of AI plagiarism detection tools.

I’ve been creating a new course for you which I am releasing at the end of this coming week and it’s all about using AI in the right way to make bank rather than in the dubious ways many suggest.

These tools will not only help you spot content which is churned out solely by AI but will also remind you how important it is to remember that AI is just another tool and not the answer to everything:


Keeping things textual, let’s now look at some text to speech tools you can use for absolutely nada.

I’ve noticed a few launches recently which trumpet their ability to turn text into speech but these are just as good if not better.

Let’s start with CapCut which is a video editor that can do text to speech conversion:


 The drawback? It’s available for Mac only whereas Wideo is an online text to speech tool that works for everyone:

As is TextMagic:


Want to do that the other way round and transcribe speech to text (incredibly useful for content and course creation)?

Try these 23 resources:

Speaking of content creation, let’s now look at some courses you can take in specific areas of that, again for absolutely no cost.

There’s this brilliant one on cracking the creativity code and discovering ideas from Coursera:


Along with this on viral marketing and how to craft contagious content:


There are also these courses on content creation from Alison:


And this wonderful selection from HubSpot:


Why is content creation so important? Because, in the era of AI, the more original you can be in your content creation, the more you will stand out in the marketplace.

Your TED talk this week is vital for anyone who wants to push through any limitations, self-imposed or otherwise, and really succeed…and I hope that’s you.

Tim Ferriss on how to smash fear and learn anything:

I’ll be back with more news on that brand new thing I’m launching as that’s also a real game-changer.

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