Does tech overwhelm ever stop you creating something like a product or a course?

Or maybe it’s simply creation overwhelm…with just the very thought of making all that stuff proving to be too much.

But what if you didn’t have to create anything or very little beforehand? And could deliver your course/coaching using the same everyday tech you have in your pocket?

Even better…what if you could open your mind to the zillions of things you could teach others that they would love to learn and that you love to deliver so that it becomes a great experience for everyone?

Read on and discover how to do all of this for absolutely nada.

Let’s start with those ideas and, as ever, I want to encourage you not to think of IM but of what lights you up.

Here are 100 ideas to get you thinking:

With 10 more unconventional but in high demand ideas here:

And 110 more ideas here with real life examples:

Now for that simple delivery.

The truth is that you don’t have to spend hours, days and weeks putting together slide decks and workbooks if you don’t want to.

You can simply show up and teach, as people do in real life. Of course, that takes some preparation but it’s minimal compared to creating a course in advance.

I have run successful writing courses via WhatsApp and Zoom throughout lockdowns and even before that. Now that people are so used to the medium, teaching online is easier than ever.

Here are some tips on how to deliver a course or coaching via WhatsApp:

With some more here that includes FaceTime and Skype as well:

Another popular option for your course, coaching or workshop is a dedicated Facebook group – here’s how to do that:

Or you could deliver your material or coaching even more simply via email:

The best part is that you can literally do all of this from the smartphone in your pocket or your PC if you prefer.

I also cover using YouTube and Zoom lives/webinars to deliver your course or coaching live in my Wonga course which I released this week, all fresh and updated for 2021.

I don’t have the space to cover those steps here but they are simple enough and highly effective.

Your TED talk this week gives you 7 tools for building a  business people trust:

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