This morning I woke up very early, spotted something so exciting I grabbed it immediately and then emailed my subscribers to tell them about it in case they wanted to get it too.

So far, so good.

Except that it was only much later I noticed that the subject line looked a bit odd.

Where I had intended to say ‘seriously cool’ it went out as ‘serious cool…’

But no worries.

I might even adopt that as my new catchphrase.

And that’s the thing. I’m only human.

You’re only human.

Humans sometimes goof.

It happens.

Admitting to your mistakes shows that humanity. It also helps you connect to others because we all do it.

Writing in your own voice in your emails also helps build that connection because people want to get to know the real you and not someone you made up for your ‘marketing persona…’

Whatever that is.

Your voice and your messages are also an essential part of your branding, that thing I talked to you about yesterday.

Because only you sound like you, act like you and…dammit…there is only one you.

So be the best you can be and that is the best brand you could ever have.

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