In one of the masterminds I belong to, a member recently posted something that struck a chord:

‘I’ve realised I’m not a coach. I’m an author.’

Yes, she’d turned her expertise into a book rather than a course or a coaching offering and was much happier for it…

Not to mention, far more successful.

I’ve always believed you should not only do what you love but that you’ll make more doing what you love too…

More time, more happiness and, yes…more profit.

That’s for many good reasons, not least that your audience will sense that love and energy behind what you do along with your enthusiasm for it.

And enthusiasm is priceless.

So let’s take a look at how you can build a business you love rather than one you tolerate or even – gulp – hate because it simply does not align with the unique being that is you.

Let’s start with these 9 tips from successful entrepreneurs:

Then look at these 3 steps you can take to put that into motion – they’re part of a three part series and it’s well worth taking a look at all the parts (links on that page):

These 5 things will also help:

As will this where you can also download a workbook for absolutely nada:

And then there’s Marie Forleo’s take on it along with her 9 steps:

With even more good stuff from the fabulous Ana McRae:

Just in case you’re still not convinced, here’s a brilliant piece on why you should do what you love in life and business:

Along with 10 reasons to love being an entrepreneur:

And if you’re not even sure what a business or a life you love looks like, your TED talk this week may help…or confuse you even more:

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