How ambitious are you really?

Is it money that drives you?


The chance to turn round to all those people who said you wouldn’t make it and say yah, boo sucks??

For most of us, it’s a combination of some or all of those and more but one thing I do know is that we could all do with some more moolah…

And the best way to make a lot more of that is to learn from those who’ve already succeeded.

Or be born into it…which excludes most of us.

Ann-Lyse interviewed a bunch of millionaires to find out how to build wealth when you don’t come from it and here’s what she discovered:

Mindset is, of course fundamental but so are habits…and here are the 8 things that rich people do differently:

If you’re reading this, you’re probably trying to make those magical 7 figures online so here’s how to do that:

With another take on how to do that from CreativeIndie:

Along with how one woman turned 500 notes into 1M:

And one 7 figure earners advice on how to use AI to rake in that passive stuff:

Ultimately, though, real wealth lies in knowledge…the kind you can deploy so that you can do anything. Your TED talk this week is on what two men learned from 5M books:

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