Checked your screen time recently?

Mine is certainly up and so is everyone else’s thanks to the pandemic but one interesting side effect of that is how much more time people are spending on social media.

As a marketer, you should be paying attention to this and especially what people are doing while they are on there…

Because time spent on platforms does not necessarily equal buying intention or engagement.

So I thought this week I would do the hard work for you and take a good look at what is really happening out there and how you can benefit from it.

First up, this excellent and up to the minute overview that includes the interesting statistic of Instagram getting 20 x more average engagement than Facebook or Twitter:

What is also interesting is that, while alcohol-related posts get higher engagement than ever (make of that what you will), influencers are experiencing a rapid decline.

And that is great news for you because it means that, if you follow the advice in the article and the advice I have been giving you over the past weeks, posting your own great content right now will gain you more followers and establish you as someone to like and trust.

Which, as you know, results in more sales.

That view is confirmed here along with the suggestion that now is a great time for you to grab some influence for yourself:

So how do you do that? Here are some tips on using organic content marketing, i.e. the stuff you create and post, to best effect from Larry Kim who is a total pro at this:

With some general advice on how to change your social media marketing to have the greatest impact and engagement right now:

There are also some excellent tips here on using Facebook Lives to greater effect after all the recent updates. Facebook and Instagram Live are hugely popular right now thanks to people using them to connect online:

With yet more great tips here on your social media strategy is the news that engagement on TikTok and Snapchat is also up:

If you have never even thought of using TikTok as a marketing tool, here’s some step by step advice:

With an ultimate guide to using Snapchat for marketing here:

And to help you with all of that, 40 social media marketing tools here for absolutely nada:

Your TED talk this week is in line with my promise to look after you mind, body and soul – how to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed:

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