
Another word you see all the time and one which translates, yet again, as people.

People who may sign up to your list or come across you in another way.

People you hope will buy your offers, promos and other stuff. People with whom you need to build a relationship.

But where do you get these people? They don’t magically appear, however irresistible you are…

So this week I’m focusing on ways for you to get some or some more leads so that you can build those relationships and ultimately sell more.

Let’s start with this beginner’s guide to 9 ways to generate leads – excellent for newbies and the more advanced among you who might need a refresher:


Then there are these 5 lead gen strategies that work:


With 41 more strategies here:

You have no doubt heard the word ‘funnel’ just as often as the word ‘lead’ so here are 27 ways to fill yours for nada:

Once you’ve successfully mastered getting more leads, you need to convert those leads into sales.

Here are some ways to do that:

With 25 more hacks to help:

And just to keep a balanced perspective, your TED talk this week is on why money can’t buy happiness:

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