You may have noticed I love a challenge.

I recommended one to you yesterday and I ran one for you recently…

And that’s because they really work for both the person running them and the participants.

That’s the key really – on a challenge, you have to participate rather than simply sit back and watch. Which means you get so much more out of it…

And that means you tend to enjoy it more, put it into action and reap the rewards. All of which means a win-win for everyone concerned.

You can run challenges in all sorts of niches, for all sorts of purposes.

You can run them to build your list, to get more members or as a way to bring in more immediate moolah.

Your choice.

To help you do that, this week I am sharing resources which will have you running your own challenge in no time.

Let’s start with some advice on how to run a no cost challenge to get more traffic:

Then there is some wisdom here on running challenges to get more members:

It’s always good to learn from someone who has run multiple challenges, especially if they are willing to share their mistakes with you so you can learn from them…as you can here:

And here where you learn the four simple steps to running a challenge that brings in that moolah:

While here’s how to run a no cost challenge that turns the participants into clients:

Rather learn than earn?

You might like these course resources I shared with a friend earlier today…courses in all kinds of things that will give you skills in all sorts of ways for nada.

First we have Open Learn which is university level:

As is Future Learn:

And EdX where you can access courses from MIT, Harvard and more:

Talking of learning, your TED talk this week is on how telling the truth will open so many doors, including the one to peace with the world and those around you:

Join The FREE Challenge!

Create your own list-building lead magnet step by step in the FREE 7 Day Challenge!

Yay - you're in!

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