Let’s face it – the internet is a shoutyfest and nowhere more than in the world of IM.

Everyone is so busy yelling that they’re the best, the one to teach you, to show you the way that it’s hard to work out who’s the real deal and who, well, isn’t.

So today I have gathered together a bunch of people you may or may not have come across before but who are all the real deal. And the reason you may not have heard of them is because they have no need to shout about their success…

They simply get on with doing it.

Let’s start with Matthew Woodward who not only runs an award-winning blog but is a genuine SEO (and many other things besides) expert. Here’s his brilliant SEO checklist that you can use to optimise your sites:


There is also his tutorial on how to make moolah blogging:


By the way, feel free to sign up for his giveaway course on that. I share these good resources from good people with you so that you can learn as much as possible in the right way.

Then there’s Ann Handley, whose marketing pedigree is second to none. She’s the world’s first Chief Content Officer, a bestselling author and has set up hugely successful sites including ClicZ and MarketingProfs.

At her own site, she shares wisdom like this on how to write better so you get stellar results:

Social media genius Jon Loomer is the go-to person for FB and Instagram advertising strategies – here he is on how to add a poll to your FB video ads:

He also has a great podcast and his latest pubcast, as he calls it, on the fundamentals of Facebook advertising is well worth a listen as are all the other episodes:

Pam Moore is another social media and content superstar who runs MarketingNuts as well as her blog full of uber useful advice and information such as this post on injecting the fun factor into your business to help grow it:

And this on 7 content marketing trends you can’t ignore in 2019:

You’ll also notice a bunch of great downloads, including worksheets, templates and a content calendar, if you go to her site which you can grab in exchange for your email. Well worth it, in my opinion.

Jon Morrow is the man to talk to about blogging, traffic and everything in between – here’s his comprehensive tutorial on how to start a successful blog in 2019 (you may get his overlay offering you his cheatsheet but you can always close that if you want to go straight to the post):


There are also great tips on affiliate marketing from Jon and guest writers:


And one of my favourite posts on 600 power words that pack a punch and convert like crazy:


So there you go – real experts with invaluable information to offer you and a bunch of their stuff to grab as well if you want it. I’ll feature some more next week and, in the meantime, your TED talk is another personal favourite because my mum once nursed his kids, including this one…

Bruce Lee’s daughter Shannon on what her father taught about living fully:

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