Do you ever feel you are simply stuck or stuck in a groove?

We all do.

Especially when you’re not yet seeing the success that you want.

Sometimes all it takes to shake you out of that is a new perspective, a new approach or simply some new tools.

And guess what I have for you here…all of that and more!

Let’s kick off with this brilliant episode from the I Love Marketing podcast all about breaking through apathy and uncovering the hidden windfall in your business:

Feel like you simply can’t break through when it comes to business? These actionable tips will help – do click on the links to the various other articles and resources in this one as they are also full of valuable insights:

Maybe all it takes is a new tool to help you do something faster or better or simply at all.

This is an excellent list of 63 of the best for 2018 – not all are no cost but there is definitely something here for everyone:

It could be that you’ve been doing things in not quite the right way…or kept doing things that no longer work…

In which case, download these from Hubspot – yours in exchange for your email and I reiterate that I have never had an issue with Hubspot’s marketing emails which are full of good information (plus you can always unsub):

SEO changes all the time – or at least, effective SEO does. Learn what no longer works here and what keeps on working:

If it’s Instagram that’s not giving you the results you want, you need this:

If your email marketing sucks, take a look at this:

While aspiring YouTubers should download this:

And if you feel that nothing is working, read this:

On that note, your TED talk this week is hugely inspiring and will show you that what can seem the worst of times can often prove the best:

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