Yesterday I asked you to just get your material down for your lead magnet or tripwire offer although I appreciate that, if you have chosen to do the latter, it may take a little longer.

Today I want you to polish and refine that from the perspective of the most important person in all of this – your ideal customer.

To that end, I want you to go through your content as if you were consuming it as a member of your target audience.

That’s right – put aside any prior knowledge as much as you can and put yourself in the shoes of someone who really wants and needs to learn whatever it is you are offering.

There is a very important reason for this, aside from it being a useful exercise in checking that what you have created actually reads/comes across well, and it’s this:

In order to bring about that all-important transformation for your audience, you need to meet them where they are right now.

Not where you are with your expertise and/or experience of your topic.

Not where you guess they might be.

But where you know they are because you used all that information you gathered on them on Day One of this challenge to give you a precise idea.

Which means you can take them from where they are to where they really want to be because you know that too…don’t you?

And that’s it – that’s the secret of an irresistible lead magnet or tripwire offer.

It’s something that performs that magical transformation of taking someone from where they are and don’t want to be to where they really want to be as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

Now, that place they really want to be can be a stage towards their ultimate outcome. A stepping stone towards the big prize.

If it’s a lead magnet you are creating, you definitely want to think in terms of a stage because the ultimate, big prize will be delivered by your core product.

If it’s a tripwire offer you are creating, you have the scope to take them further and in both cases you must offer and deliver a complete solution to at least one problem they are facing. It just does not have to be the complete solution to all their problems.

So your task today is to go through what you have created from the perspective of your ideal customer and test whether it really works for them.

Be ruthless and tough on yourself. Do you want a meh offering or a great one?

Let me answer that for you – a great offering will mean an instant audience of fans who look forward to whatever it is you next offer them. Hopefully your core or signature product or higher ticket affiliate offers.

I think that’s worth spending a little extra time on getting something really great, don’t you?

Take that time today, tweak and refine your creation as necessary and I will be back tomorrow with the next steps in your challenge. We’re so close to the finish line…

See you there!

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