At a talk I went to recently the eminent speaker suggested that everyone should be embracing portfolio careers.

In uncertain economic times and ever-changing industries and workplaces, it makes a lot of sense.

It also makes sense in the digital world where I am always advocating you set up several streams of income so that if one goes down you still have others to rely upon.

But how many of you actually do that? And how often do you think of acquiring new skills (I don’t mean buying yet another course on some dodgy ‘method’ or pedalling a push button dream)?

I mean real skills – ones you can use to earn real income.

And to get you thinking and, hopefully, doing I’m sharing some resources and ideas here so you can not only future-proof yourself but increase what’s coming in right now…

Provided, of course, that you take action on my suggestions here.

First up is social media management – a constantly in-demand skill that you can offer as a service that will also boost your own online marketing so a win-win for all concerned.

There are some excellent courses out there that you can do for absolutely nada – here are my top choices…

If you want a highly professional course offered by Northwestern University that will teach you not just the basics but plenty more besides, then take a look at this:

To complement the above course, Northwestern also offer a Business of Social course here:

There is also this excellent guide from Moz that is suitable for beginners:

Even coaches and consultants need to learn how to use social media to promote their businesses. Take this no cost course on Udemy that will teach you all you need to know…so you can teach them or do it for them!

Content marketing is an integral part of social media marketing an invaluable in its own right – Hubspot offer a certification course here (yes, again for no spend on your part!):

While learning how to make that content go viral is another skill that is much in demand:

Videos are some of the most popular content around and knowing how to create eyeball-grabbing ones is a skill that, again, you can use to bring in plenty of the green stuff for yourself and for clients.

Learn how with this guide from Hubspot – yours in exchange for your details:

I’ve talked to you recently about becoming a social media influencer or using one to boost your business – here’s a course on how to leverage Influencer Marketing complete with very useful templates to swipe:

I’ll be back with more ideas in your next Weekend Takeaways but, for now, get thinking about how to expand your skillset and maybe explore some of the ideas here.

Your TED talk this week will help you get better at doing those things you care about…and maybe some that you don’t:


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