I spend a big chunk of my time creating.

I create content, videos, courses, books…all kinds of things, many of which you are familiar with or have used.

I’m a big fan of what some people term the ‘creator economy’ because it’s so empowering.

Essentially, it means that creators of all kinds of digital and physical stuff can be well rewarded for what they create on their own terms.

What’s not to love?

In my experience, very little which is why I only teach what I have already created and continue to create and sell because I have ironed out all the wrinkles and learned what works.

With that in mind, I’m looking today at some ways you can benefit from joining that creator economy so you, too, can dictate how you want to live your life.

First up, some fundamentals to becoming a successful digital creator:


With more here including creator archetypes:


Perhaps one of the easiest things to become is a content creator…a well-paid one.

Here’s how to do that:

But it’s not just about content…as this will show you:


And here’s everything you need to know about the creator economy as a marketer so you can benefit from it:


You no doubt realise that I spend a big portion of my time creating books…and here’s how you can benefit from the creator economy as an author:

With some good advice here on building that vital audience of readers for what you create:


And a fantastic author creator marketing playbook here:

Whatever you create, chances are you’re going to have to pitch to someone…so following on from my pitch training, here’s the secret to success in pitching an idea:

But that’s not quite all because at the end of this coming week, I’m releasing the long awaited BookCash for you containing all my secrets on how to create a nonfiction bestseller with or without the help of AI.

Stay tuned!

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