Today I held a ferret.

That might not sound like a lot to you but I have been terrified of little furry creatures with sharp teeth for as long as I can remember…

So when my daughter handed me this ferret and commanded that I cuddle it I was shaking. Then I looked down, saw a little creature drop its dozy head on my arm and yawn as it nestled in.

That’s when I realised there was nothing to worry about.

The same thing happens each time you or I step out of our comfort zones, try something we thought was terrifying and realise it’s not at all. In fact, it can even be a good experience.

Sometimes a great one.

That same fear holds so many people back from succeeding so today I am looking at ways to bust beyond your comfort zone once and for all and embrace all the greatness that exists beyond it.

To do that, let’s start with this excellent podcast from Duct Tape marketing and the inimitable John Jantsch that asks if your comfort zone is holding you back:

Then take the next step and learn how to go beyond your comfort zone and sell because that, after all, is why you are here:

Then go even further with this that teaches you how to embrace disruptive marketing which has the huge benefit of getting you stellar results for very little investment:

A fan of strategic steps? Here are four that will get you out of your comfort zone and forging ahead:

With four more great tips here:

I also really love the seven steps outlined here which also help you build good habits – or new and better ones – that will help you succeed in life as well as in business:

Sometimes we have to trick ourselves into pushing beyond those self-imposed barriers to success. Here are thirteen ways to do that with mental tips and tricks from world class coaches:

And if you need any more convincing to break out of your comfort zone, your TED talk this week is this TEDX one on why comfort will ruin your life:

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