I promised you a bumper edition on list building so here we go…

But before we dive in, I want to look at this from a different angle.

Rather than looking at it from the same old position of building a list of subscribers and prospects, think about it instead as a way of getting direct access to a bunch of individual people with whom you want to build a relationship.

Just as you would with a new friendship, you want to build bonds and bridges, get to know one another and show them your best side so that they want to get to know you better too.

That doesn’t mean you fake it or get all salesy on them – rather that you offer them the right mix of information, education, entertainment…whatever it is that lights them up and makes them love you more.

To help you build the right kind of relationship with your list, take a look at these 9 tips:


This might seem as if I’m working backwards but I believe that you need to know what you’re going to do to build a relationship with your list before you start building one.

Why? Because it means that everything you do to build your list will also be informed by your relationship-building methods. And building those relationships means that your list will be highly engaged.

For more on that and how to build a highly engaged list, take a look at this excellent guide:


There are also some great tips here:

And 60 wonderful ways to build a list here for absolutely nada


Of course, it doesn’t end when you’ve built a list because you need not to just keep  building it but also keep your subscribers happy and engaged…

Here’s how to do that:


With 13 more tips here:

And 11 newsletter ideas to keep them engaged as well:


Your TED talk this week will also help in all your relationships – and not just with your list:

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