This week I want to take you away from the usual places…

The ones where the usual suspects hang out.

Instead, I want you to think bigger, better and bolder – inspired by some of the best on the planet.

Let’s start with someone from whom I have learned an awful lot and that’s Marie Forleo.

Love her or hate her, this is one savvy businesswoman and, as one of her B School alumni, I absolutely love her.

Let’s look at some of her most inspiring stuff for you…

First up is something I consider essential – Marie on how to know your worth so you charge it:

Then there’s this which I am sure will resonate with you – how to grow a business when you’re short on time:

Lastly, another one which is so pertinent right now – how to make a career change at 30, 40, 50 and beyond:

At the Boss Project’s Strategy Hour you can hear from all kinds of leading entrepreneurs and learn tons.

A great one to start with is this episode where they look back and talk about finding strength in adversity, again so timely for all of us:

There’s also this on how to deal with stress and remain productive in 2020:

Over at the Tim Ferriss Show, this is one of the most popular episodes of all time – Tony Robbins on peak performance, mastering money and morning routines:

While Richard Koch can teach you a lot about the 80/20 principle and achieving unreasonable success:

Over at the Goal Digger show, Jenna Kutcher has 10 tips for you on how to find the silver lining of 2020:

There’s also this on no cost marketing strategies that actually worked:

Your TED talk is on how to create big, positive change – again, something that absolutely fits the zeitgeist:

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