This week I’m going to talk content…

Because you need to be using it in the right way.

And one of those right ways is as a micro-influencer within your niche…but first take a look at this for an overview of what you should be doing right now:

So what is a micro-influencer? It’s generally defined as someone who has between 2k and 50k followers on a particular social media platform and has a dedicated following because of the content they put out….

Which means they get noticed by brands who then (this is the cool part) pay them to post.

Nice gig if you can get it.

And if that sounds good to you….which it should….here’s how to get started:

Instagram is the go-to platform for micro-influencers so here is some dedicated information on how to market yourself there as one:

With some more great tips here:

Of course, as an influencer the whole point is to make some moolah – there are 11 ways to do that here:

I also rather like the Coffee Mom’s advice here, especially her belief that you are never too small to make this into a great side hustle:

Now that you have the basics down, make even more by taking your micro-influencing to the next level by following this guide:

Your TED talk this week has nothing to do with being an influencer…unless you realise that to be one, you need to be in peak mental and emotional condition.

Which also applies to succeeding online in any capacity as working essentially alone can take its toll. So for your own good, and because it’s Mother’s Day here and I especially appreciate the value of care today, this is a great talk on the importance of practicing emotional first aid:


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