Tomorrow it’s Blue Monday aka the third Monday in January which some people believe is the most depressing day of the year.

Whether you believe that or not, January is never an easy month in the northern hemisphere so I thought this week I would give you tips on resources on how to be a happy entrepreneur…

Or simply a happier person so you can do more, create more and ultimately have more of whatever makes you happy.

We’ll start with these 10 secrets to being a happy entrepreneur:

And then move on to these 5 essential tips so you can be a happy, healthy, high-performing entrepreneur:

With 11 more secrets to being a happy entrepreneur here:

Happiness is fundamental for success because it allows you to achieve far more than you would if you were spending your time and energy feeling stressed, miserable and afraid.

It boosts the immune system and even brain power so it’s important you treat your own happiness as vital to everything you do.

Here are 27 habits to add to your routine to make you a happier person:

Along with these 7 scientifically proven ways to add to the mix:

And 25 tiny changes you can make that will make you happier at work…and in general:

Your TED talk this week will give you the secrets to a happy life based on 8 decades of research:

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