We’re all facing big challenges at the moment.

In England, we’re going into another lockdown this coming Thursday – one that no doubt will be more challenging than the first as people grow weary of hardship and restrictions.

There is, of course, another way to look at it and I promise you it’s not too Pollyanna…

This is another chance to grow.

To push beyond our personal comfort zones and to reset our worlds with the enforced time to ourselves.

Yes, of course it’s not that simple or easy but what challenge is?

That’s the whole point after all…and it’s a great thing to embrace, particularly when it comes to you and your business.


Because people love online challenges. They especially love them when they offer a chance to push themselves to gain new skills and confidence in the company of others.

And that’s why this is the perfect time to launch your own challenges to grow your business or, indeed, to participate in those run by others that will help you grown even more.


Well, you could start with the step by step tips here:


And here:

While if you really want your hand held (who doesn’t?), you could follow the complete 5 day challenge strategy laid out here:


If you want to get really ambitious, here’s how to create your own 30 day challenge in just one day:

Challenges work really well on social media and here are some great ideas on how to make that work for you too:


At the beginning of the first lockdown, I created a 7 Day Challenge for you to help you build your list which you are welcome to do or do again – you can start with Day One here:

Your TED talk this week is a wonderfully inspiring one on how shifting your mindset to one of stubborn optimism can completely change your future:

Join The FREE Challenge!

Create your own list-building lead magnet step by step in the FREE 7 Day Challenge!

Yay - you're in!

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