I’m going to try a little experiment on you.

I want you to read the word on the next line:


What’s your instant reaction?

Let me guess…

Something like ‘pitchfest,’ ‘aaargh – someone is going to sell me something,’ or maybe just ‘boring’?

It’s no secret that I launched Wealthinar a couple of days ago and that was to counteract all those misconceptions and teach you why webinars work better than ever, done right.

Now I’m going to reinforce that with a selection of some great training webinars for you here so you understand that they can not just be a brilliant selling tool but also a great way for you to learn too.

Let’s start with these Everyday Instagram Hacks for 2021:

You can find all of Hubspot’s webinars here:


Then there’s this from Hootsuite on how to reach the right audience on social:


With the rest of their webinars here:


This on four ways to triple your leads and sales fast:

With the rest of Exposure Ninja’s webinars here:

This on creating the perfect lead magnet for your ideal client:


With the rest of SEMRush’s on demand webinars here:


And their upcoming ones here (note the one on driving traffic to your affiliate site)


My point?

These are all great resources which are not doing any of that pitchinar stuff. Instead, some are building lists, some are building authority and all are sharing good information.

They also follow different formats which only goes to prove that there is no one right way to do webinars…

I evolved my own from the past year spent doing a ton of webinars in all kinds of formats to promote several things – none of them to do with IM, incidentally.

My biggest tip? The less salesy and the more human you make them, the better they work. Plus, as you can see, they are easy to automate in all kinds of ways and to monetize as well.

There are also webinars out there for self-care, including some of the resources here:



And here:

Those pages also give you more great examples of how to use webinars to great effect.

Your TED talk this week continues that theme of looking after yourself with this

And if you would like to take a look at Wealthinar, it’s here: https://wealthinarworkshop.com/

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