I always think you should learn from the greats in any sphere of life. People who have actually mastered their subject. The real experts as opposed to the many who pose as one (unfortunately rife in IM).

To that end, this week you’re going to learn some amazing stuff from a selection of people I consider true masters of their subjects, get some amazing goodies and end up with some real wisdom and the tools to help you on your way this week.

And all without you having to part with a single penny.

Sounds good? Let’s get started.

First up is a man who genuinely changed the worlds of both marketing and publishing. Seth Godin is constantly pushing new boundaries while imparting a wealth of wisdom he has picked up over years of enormous success.

Here’s an excellent podcast he did for Social Media Examiner on book marketing although you can apply his thoughts to many other arenas. There’s also plenty in the accompanying post for bloggers, authors, product creators et al. Most pertinent takeaway from this? The following quote:

“The thing that people who create for a living wrestle with is living with ‘this might work’ and ‘this might not work’ at the same time.”

This will teach you how to get over that among many other things:


Seth also gives away a ton of stuff, including many of his best books, on his own site. You can grab those here:


Another hugely successful online entrepreneur you may never have come across is Ryan Lee. Ryan has a background in the fitness industry and started his first site back in 1999 which he grew into a multimillion dollar business.

I rate him highly because he is so transparent and anti all the BS that swishes around out there about IM. This interview he did with John Lee Dumas is particularly valuable because in it he tells you not only how he runs his business from a coffee shop day in and day out but also about the mistakes he has made.

Do check out the information given along with the transcript because there are some great freebies in there including access to the 15 Day podcast course and 10 day webinar course offered by John, another expert worth listening to:


As for Ryan Lee freebies, he offers a very useful marketing funnel graphic along with advice on how to use it here:


Ryan is known as the king of recurring income and here’s another info-packed interview with him on how to create huge streams of recurring income in multiple ways. It was written a few years back but much of his advice holds true although the tempting offer for his free course is no longer available so don’t click and then be disappointed!


Your third and final expert this week is more of a rising star. Adam Linkenauger is a former Olympic hopeful who had to move back in with his parents before launching the online business that has brought him more than 1M Facebook fans and 180,000 YouTube views.

You know how much I believe in the power of video and image-based marketing to drive tons of traffic these days and this will really inspire you to start or build on your results:


Your TED talk this week follows on from that – this is Alex Ohanian of Reddit telling the real-life fable of one humpback whale’s rise to Web stardom:

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