One of my aims with Weekend Takeaways is to introduce you to sites and tools you may have never come across…

That will hopefully inspire you and/or take you and your business to new heights.

I like to take that spirit of adventure into my own life as well…and today I’m proud to report that we tried Jelly Nuts for the first time.

What’s a Jelly Nut? Well, it’s a young coconut that seems to have magical properties.

We bought ours at the local festival by the river, watched as a magnificent Jamaican gentleman wielded his machete to hack them into shape and then stuck a straw in each one.

I swear that the more we drank of that delicious coconut juice, the more the nut filled up. Why jelly? Because the flesh is so young it has that texture and is curiously delicious.

Try one for yourself if you can find one…or try something else you’ve never tried before this week.

Doesn’t have to be business related – whatever you do, even if you simply vary your routine, has a positive effect on reframing your mindset and setting you up to notice new opportunities.

Now for this week’s online opportunities…and the first I’d like to offer up is a new site I found that lets authors advertise themselves and their work for free.

Great for all you Kindleites/self-published authors and, although it’s UK based, its reach is global.

iAuthor is just out of beta so this is a good chance to get in on the ground floor and gain lots of exposure:

And on the subject of self-publishing, here’s a piece by one of my favourite writers, James Altucher, on how to self-publish a bestseller:

Another site I like is Bubble – a newish platform where you get paid a share of the ad revenue every time your posts are liked/shared etc.

This is what they have to say:

“We split the ad revenue we make off each post with the author 50/50. You will get paid for every view, comment, like/dislike and social media share that your posts gather. Write Your World. Speak Freely. Join the movement. The time of not sharing revenue with the very people who create your content is OVER!

So this is not only a freebie but you actually earn from it – fab!

In that spirit of sparking off the new, here’s a short, sharp post from another fave writer, Seth Godin that, will remind you of some marketing fundamentals.

It’ll take you seconds to read and you can then go on to explore more of the wit and wisdom on his blog:

On to our Kindle freebies and this week I have a couple of suggestions that may well take you beyond your comfort zone…

The first is a short but good read on delivering great presentations – an essential skill for offliners and a valuable one for all of us:

Then there is the very helpful “52 Free Smartphone Apps That Save You Time & Money”:

And lastly the catchily titled Ass Kickin’ Productivity: 12 Days To Getting More Things Done Than You Ever Thought:

As for your inspirational TED talk this week I have a brilliant one for you in the form of Scott Belsky’s wonderful address on making your ideas happen:


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