Let’s kick off this week with an excellent freebie from Hubspot that espouses that same philosophy of treating everyone as you would like to be treated (which is an essential component  of ‘human’ marketing IMHO).

This download is their guide to Client Delight or how to boost Loyalty & Happiness. This is not just great for offliners but anyone running any kind of business that involves dealing with customers (or clients as Jay Abraham – and I – prefer to think of them)

You can get the guide here in exchange for your details and, as I’ve said many times, I’ve never had a problem with Hubspot:


Need a new logo for your site/branding now that we’re into the Autumn/Fall? Look no further than Logo Lagoon for some excellent no cost designs:


Or maybe you need a cool name for a new site? Save yourself hours of hunting around with this excellent tool that will find you what’s available in seconds:


And if you’d like to build quality backlinks to that domain for nada then check this out:


Want to create a very professional ebook to sell or give away with the minimum of fuss and no expense? Liberio works straight from your Google Drive:


Not sure you know where/what all the great freebie Google tools are or how to access them? Here’s a very handy guide:


As for graphics and photos for those sites/books/products/whatever that you can safely use commercially….here are 20 good sources you may not have come across before as well as some you may know and love:


Your TED talk this week is highly relevant to all of us who have chosen or are following a different way of working – powerful stuff:

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