Knowledge is power and anyone who has ever taken one of my courses or read my emails has learned that I am huge on knowing your customer…

Which is why I am so excited to bring you your first no cost goodie this week because it will give you analytics on steroids.

FullStory is a simply brilliant site tool and they have now introduced a forever no cost version. What does it do? In a nutshell – everything you could ever want to find out about your site visitors.

In their own words it…

“captures every click, scroll, page transition, and more. Yes, even those custom interactions on your fancy-pants single-page web app.

But beyond simply capturing the events, FullStory puts user actions in context, letting you see how a user got to that point and where they went next”

You sign up for their 14 day trial (no card required) and then choose whether to go for the no cost option or join on of the other paid options. IMHO, the no cost is perfect for most people.

Get it here:

Another way to connect with and get to know your customers better is to answer their questions in your content.

Here’s an excellent podcast on how to do that so you earn more moolah into the bargain:

I recommended something this week which helps with perhaps the no. 1 New Year resolution people make and never keep…

And that’s to finally write that book/ebook/create that product.

But creation is only the beginning because you have to get it out there, in front of buyers.

Social media is, of course, a great way to do that and this podcast from bestselling Indie author Mark Dawson has some great advanced Twitter strategies that will help anyone who wants to make their book, ebook or product way more visible:

I also recommend his podcast on using FB ads and Twitter ads to build lists – that masterclass is here:

If you’d like to brush up your email marketing skills or acquire some then Hubspot have an excellent course here – yours in exchange for your email (I have never had an issue with Hubspot and have signed up for many of their offerings):

Let’s now pull all that great info on content marketing and list building together with this excellent tutorial on how HelpScout grew a list of 70k subscribers (note the use of the content upgrade on the sign-up box as I have also taught):

And if you need help planning and producing that content, there’s a link to HubSpot’s no cost generator here that will spit one out for you…

There are also links to all their other useful tools and downloads that won’t require you to open your wallet:

To help you get over the first hurdle that stops most people ever creating that book, product, website or business, your talk this week is from 99U – it features Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian teaching you why Sucking is the First Step to Being Good at Something.

Watch that here:

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