Hey there and welcome to your Weekend Takeaways newsletter! 

It’s been an even more hectic week than usual for me so I was delighted when one of you lovely people suggested this as a great link to share on here. 

This is an excellent free guide to charging what you’re worth so you free up more of your precious time and energy.  I know pricing is an issue for many of you and this should help a great deal.  You need to provide an email address but it’s well worth it and many thanks to Louie for suggesting it: 


You may have noticed that the excellent resource Big Boards is no more.  This is a real loss as it was a great way to do valuable research for forum marketing as well as a springboard for ideas on niche markets and products. 

The following are a couple of replacement sites which, combined, do a pretty good job of replacing Big Boards: 



Next up are a couple of invaluable tools if you are creating videos for yourself or for clients. 

The first, Screencast, offers a free hosting solution not just for videos but all your content – PDFs, images etc.

Perfect if there is stuff you want to share or you have videos you want to stream to your site/a client’s site but which you would prefer not to host on YouTube: 


Of course, if you’re using a free account then it’s usually limited to a certain amount (in Screencast’s case, 2GB) so a conversion tool comes in very handy, especially for video. 

With Handbrake, you can convert video into different formats to fit your purposes and all for nada: 


This week’s Kindle freebie recommendation comes with a fab title: Killer Success – Awaken Your Inner Power.  Might not be your cup of tea but it’s highly motivating and a good read. 

As one reviewer said:

“I liked this motivational book because of several things. It makes magic with your self-confidence: boosts your trust in yourself, in your unlimited potential, helps you understand your identity and purpose, directs you to better set your goals and kicks you out of your comfort zone to reach for the before unreachable.”

Good enough for me and you can get it here: 


Finally, this week I’ve chosen a podcast as an alternative to a video and this is an excellent one from Social Media Examiner on a subject close to my heart: Growing With Content. 

Listen and learn here: 


Have a brilliant week! 


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